Qiz-Qalasi Dam Symbol of Iranian, Azeri People’s Friendship: Energy Minister

Qiz-Qalasi Dam Symbol of Iranian, Azeri People’s Friendship: Energy Minister

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian minister of energy described the Qiz-Qalasi dam, which has been constructed by expert Iranian engineers, as a symbol of friendship between the people of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The largest joint water project between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan will be put into operation at a ceremony to be attended by the presidents of the two countries, Ali Akbar Mehrabian stated.

The two countries share a 450-km joint border with the Aras River and a dam named “Khoda Afarin” dam became operational years ago for the joint operation of this river, the energy minister added.

Now another dam, namely the Qiz-Qalasi dam, has been constructed on this river, he said.

The Qiz-Qalasi dam regulates 2 billion cubic meters of water per annum, Mehrabian notd, adding that the two Iranian provinces of Ardabil and East Azarbaijan are supplied with a high volume of water from the dam.

Controlling floods, supplying drinking water, boosting agriculture and helping the environment and also the use of the joint capacities of the two sides for the development of cooperation have been cited as the most important objectives of constructing the dam.

The Qiz-Qalasi is a dam constructed according to the latest and most modern engineering standards, he added.

Located 220km northeast of Tabriz, the Qiz Qalasi Dam has been constructed on the Aras River on the joint borders between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan. with a length of 1,072km, the Aras is a border river between Iran, the Republic of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey.

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