Students Union Opposes Compromise with US

Students Union Opposes Compromise with US

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Union of Students’ Islamic Associations in a statement issued Saturday ahead of the anniversary of US Embassy seizure by revolutionary students on November 4, denounced any type of compromise with "the global arrogance," a thinly veiled reference to the US.

“November 4, 1965 marked the exile of Imam Khomeini on the one hand, and broad-scale student protests on November 4, 1979, on the other hand… followed by the November 4, 1980 occupation of the espionage den (US embassy), which displayed new dimensions of the Iranian nation’s campaign against the US hegemony,” reads the communiqué.

“We, members of the student movement… remind (the politicians) of the need to be aware of deviations (from the revolution’s path) and keep alert in the face of the enemy’s malicious intentions, remembering our late leader, the great Imam Khomeini’s words when he said: Any deed that would please the US – that sworn enemy of Islam – is basically wrong,” read another part of the statement.

The communiqué also touched on remarks by Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei where he said the US wanted to attend talks only as a pretext to ram its stands home, saying the Americans see negotiations as a public relations exercise and that their promise of lifting the sanctions is just a lie.

The students union has at the end invited the country’s school and university students and people from all walks of life to attend the November 4 nationwide rallies.

The US diplomatic mission has been defunct since the Iran hostage crisis of 1979. Since then, the United States government has been represented in Iran by the United States Interests Section of the Embassy of Switzerland in Tehran. The name currently given to the compound by many Iranians is variously translated as "espionage den," "den of espionage", and "nest of spies".

After the takeover of the embassy, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps used it as a training center.

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