Israel Approves Release of Palestinian Prisoners

Israel Approves Release of Palestinian Prisoners

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Israel approved the release of a third group of Palestinian prisoners as part of US-brokered peace talks.

However, Tel Aviv is expected to once again announce new housing tenders in West Bank settlements, despite international criticism.

The Ministerial Committee for Prisoner Releases signed off on the release of 26 Palestinian prisoners late on Saturday. The inmates, who have already served between 19 and 28 years in jail, were sentenced to life imprisonment, RT reported.

The release is the third one to take place since Israeli-Palestinian peace talks resumed in July. The fourth and final release is set to occur at a later date.

A list of the prisoners’ names has already been made public. The release will take place at least 48 hours after the details were initially published; the extra time is given so that anyone who objects can appeal to the High Court of Justice.

The inmates will be set free sometime during the night between Monday and Tuesday, Haaretz reported.

Despite widespread criticism from the Palestinian Authority and the international community, Israel intends to announce the construction of 1,400 new homes in West Bank settlements. Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat warned that peace talks will be destroyed if the announcement takes place.

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing domestic opposition to the move.

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