Embassy Confirms Zarif’s Upcoming Visit to Russia

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif will pay a visit to Moscow Wednesday in a bid to hold talks with high-ranking Russian officials, Iran's Embassy in Russia announced.

The embassy said in a statement that Zarif will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

The embassy added that the Iranian and Russian officials will exchange views on the latest regional and international developments.

The statement said Zarif's visit will come "in response to Russian foreign minister’s earlier visit to Tehran."

Iran's Envoy to Russia Mehdi Sanaei had earlier said that Zarif and President Putin will discuss Iran's nuclear programme and on regional issues, including Syria.

The visit comes as Moscow pushes for ally Iran to participate in the Geneva II Syria peace conference in Switzerland on January 22.

Zarif has made it clear his country is not seeking an invitation to the Syria peace conference at all costs.