US Lawmakers Oppose New Iran Sanctions

US Lawmakers Oppose New Iran Sanctions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Some 100 US congressmen have sent a letter to US President Barack Obama, opposing new sanctions on Iran while talks with Tehran over its nuclear program are ongoing.

100 Democratic House members and 4 Republicans signed the letter to voice support for diplomacy and opposition to any form of Congressional resolution or legislation that could interfere with the current negotiations with Iran.

The letter had some 70 signatories when it was first reported to be circulating among House members earlier this month.

Iran and the group G 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) on November 24 reached a six-month deal, know as Geneva agreement, on Iran’s nuclear program.

As part of the agreement, the US has agreed to refrain from imposing new nuclear-related sanctions on Iran.

Tehran and G5+1 are set to resume talks later this month, aimed at working out a final, comprehensive agreement.

Earlier this month, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had warned against imposing more sanctions on Iran, saying the US Congress should give diplomacy a chance to work.

“Now that serious negotiations are finally under way, we should do everything we can to test whether they can advance a permanent solution,” Clinton said.

Iran has always maintained that its nuclear energy program is solely for peaceful purposes and that sanctions against the country are illegal and undermining international law.

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