Commander Urges IRGC to Formulate Empirical Knowledge

Commander Urges IRGC to Formulate Empirical Knowledge

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) called on his forces to turn their experience-based knowledge into scientific guidelines that could provide the next generation with the technical know-how on the basis of indigenous sources.

We should turn the implicit knowledge into the explicit knowledge, and we should learn the IRGC’s experience-based knowledge and change it into the explicit and transferable knowledge to the future generations,” Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said in an address to a gathering of the IRGC personnel on Monday.

The commander, however, emphasized that the IRGC’s approach to the scientific issues has been based upon the three pillars of “religion, piety and revolutionary acts.”

Major General Jafari also placed emphasis on the humanities in the country, but underlined that Iran should not follow the western-style human sciences.

The commander then made a distinction between the foreign version of human sciences and the indigenous humanities, which he said had been founded on the holy Quran and revolutionary, religious grounds.

In relevant remarks in August 2011, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei warned against imitating the western-style human sciences, emphasizing, “The foundations of our thoughts differ from the foundations of the materialist thoughts and therefore imitating the western human sciences cannot be of any help for solving any of our problems.”

Addressing a large group of Iranian students at the time, the Leader had also announced that in human sciences, others must be followed as long as it helps broaden the Iranian knowledge and thinking capability, but those sciences must be indigenized.

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