Iranian Cleric Calls US “Center for Violation of Human Rights”

Iranian Cleric Calls US “Center for Violation of Human Rights”

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Tehran's Provisional Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami called the United States a center for the violation of human rights, after a Senate report detailed use of torture by the CIA.

Addressing a large congregation of worshippers here in Tehran on Friday, the Iranian cleric said “prisoners in the US are taken to secret prisons outside the country and subjected to medieval tortures.”

Ayatollah Khatami underscored that US officials who claim to be advocates of human rights, are, indeed, frontrunners of violation of the human rights in the world.

He said what has been revealed in the Senate report was part of a huge number of crimes committed by the US intelligence agencies.

He stressed that the US officials must be ashamed of reports on the violation of human rights in the US.

The US Senate Intelligence Committee released its long-awaited congressional report on Tuesday, which details the CIA’s use of so-called enhanced interrogation techniques (torture) on prisoners.

Earlier on Wednesday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham had described the content of the report as “shocking” and said it unveils the degree of violence and extremism at the US security apparatus.


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