Imam Khomeini Saved Iranian Nation from Dependence on US, Israel: Analyst

Imam Khomeini Saved Iranian Nation from Dependence on US, Israel: Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior Syrian writer and analyst emphasized that Iran before the 1979 Islamic Revolution was dependent on the US and Israel and the late Imam Khomeini rescued the country from dependency.

“He (Imam Khomeini) managed to save the (Iranian) nation from reliance on the US and the Zionist regime,” Wael Imam told the Tasnim News Agency.

He also emphasized that the unity of the Iranian people in support of the late leader was indicative of Imam Khomeini’s “great wisdom and vast knowledge”.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Syrian writer said that if some Arab countries are willing to fully implement Islamic teachings, they should regard the Iranian nation and leadership as their role model.

The Iranian nation toppled the US-backed Pahlavi regime 35 years ago, on February 11, 1979, ending the 2,500 years of monarchic rule in the country.

The revolution, spearheaded by the late Imam Khomeini, established a new political system based on Islamic values and democracy.

On February 11 each year, Iranian people pour into the streets in their millions to commemorate the great victory of the Islamic Revolution.

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