Iran Cannot Easily Forget Saudi Attack on Embassy in Yemen: MP

Iran Cannot Easily Forget Saudi Attack on Embassy in Yemen: MP

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi censured the Saudi regime for attacking the Iranian embassy in Yemen, describing it as a deliberate attack.

“Saudi Arabia’s attack on the Iranian embassy in Yemen was a calculated military act by a government,” Boroujerdi said in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency, describing it as contrary to all international regulations.

On Wednesday night, Saudi Arabia launched a rocket attack on the Iranian embassy in Sana’a, which incurred damages to the building and wounded several Iranian guards.

Boroujerdi further described the Saudi regime’s attack as a severe crime and said since the move was intentional, it can be seriously pursued by the Iranian foreign ministry through international channels.

The attack came amid the recent tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia mainly caused by Riyadh’s execution of prominent Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, and a subsequent attack by outraged Iranian protesters on the Saudi embassy in Tehran, which resulted in the Arab country’s decision to sever its ties with the Islamic Republic.

On January 2, Saudi Arabia announced that it has executed Sheikh Nimr, among dozens of others. The execution ignited widespread international condemnation, from both political and religious figures.

The next day, furious demonstrators in the Iranian cities of Tehran and Mashhad stormed Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic buildings in protest at the execution of Sheikh Nimr.

Although Iranian officials criticized the embassy attack and police arrested dozens involved, Saudi Arabia cut off diplomatic relations with the Islamic Republic.

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