Resistance Front Reinforced by Tehran-Damascus Cooperation: Syrian PM

Resistance Front Reinforced by Tehran-Damascus Cooperation: Syrian PM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Syrian prime minister said the close cooperation between Tehran and Damascus have strengthened the resistance front against US-Israeli plots in the region.

“Iran-Syria all-out cooperation has strengthened the front of resistance and perseverance against Zionist-American schemes for the region,” Wael al-Halqi said as quoted by Syria’s official news agency (SANA).

He made the remarks in a meeting with an Iranian parliamentary delegation in the Syrian capital, Damascus, on Sunday.

Referring to the decade-long relations between the two nations, he said that Iran-Syria bilateral ties have played a major role in the resistance of the Syrian nation in the face of Western economic sanctions and terrorism.

Iran, a close ally of Syria, has been supporting the legitimate Syrian government in the fight against terrorists.

Syria has been gripped by civil war since March 2011 with Takfiri terrorists, including Daesh, currently controlling parts of it, mostly in the east.

The Syrian conflict has killed at least 260,000 people, according to the UN, and more than half of Syria’s pre-war population of 22.4 million has been internally displaced or fled abroad.

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