Syrian Army Repels Major Terrorist Attack in Quneitra

Syrian Army Repels Major Terrorist Attack in Quneitra

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syria’s army, backed by volunteer forces, repelled a major offensive by the Takfiri terrorist group Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, formerly known as al-Nusra Front, in the southwestern Syrian province of Quneitra.

Syrian troops on Saturday pushed back an attack by the Jabhat Fateh al-Sham terrorists in the suburbs of Quneitra, killing and injuring at least 15 militants, Lebanese al-Ahed news website reported.

In the process of the clashes, the Syrian troops managed to target a tank belonging to the Takfiri terrorists with a surface-to surface missile in the Khan Sheikh district, in the western suburbs of Damascus.

In a separate development, the army inflicted heavy losses on terrorists in the southwestern province of Dara'a, destroying a bulldozer and killing a large number of the militants.

Additionally, Syrian artillery pounded Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) terrorists’ gathering centers in the eastern city of Deir Ezzor and its surrounding areas, and claimed the lives of scores of them. 

In Aleppo, clashes between Syrian government forces and militants erupted after a unilateral ceasefire announced by Russia came to an end.

The ceasefire expired on Saturday evening, after a one-day extension on Friday. The truce was aimed at permitting civilians and foreign-sponsored militants to leave the eastern areas of the city.

During the ceasefire, eight humanitarian corridors were set up for people to leave to the city, but according to reports they were seldom used. 

Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Sergei Rudskoi said that militants were stopping people from using the corridors, using civilians as human shields.

“The terrorists are using the ceasefire in their interest… We are seeing them massing around Aleppo and preparing for another breakthrough into the city's western neighborhoods," he said.

Aleppo, Syria’s second largest city, has been divided between government forces in the west and the militants in the east since 2012. In an attempt to free the trapped civilian population and to end the militants’ reign of terror in the east, the Syrian army, backed by Russian fighter jets, began a major offensive on September 22.

Both Russian and Syrian Air Force fighter jets stopped their bombing of the militant-held neighborhoods in Aleppo on Tuesday – two days ahead of the truce.

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