Afghans Condemn NATO Airstrike in Kunduz

Afghans Condemn NATO Airstrike in Kunduz

HERAT (Tasnim) – A group of young Afghan people held a demonstration in the western city of Herat in protest at a recent NATO airstrike in the northern province of Kunduz that killed dozens of civilians, including women, children and babies.

Carrying signs in commemoration of the civilians killed in the aerial attack in Kunduz, protesters in Herat condemned military operations by the US and NATO that continue to cause collateral damage in their country.

Demonstrators also called on the Kabul government to prosecute perpetrators of the attack under the international law instead of expressing mere regret.

People in the rally also criticized the Afghan national unity government for focusing on political games instead of addressing the Afghan people’s woes.

At least 30 civilians were killed and dozens wounded in a NATO airstrike in Kunduz on Thursday.

The strike was reportedly in support of US and Afghan forces during an attack targeting senior Taliban commanders.

Last October, a US airstrike hit a Doctors Without Borders (MSF) hospital in Kunduz, killing at least 42 people, including 24 patients, 14 staff and four caretakers.

At least 37 others were wounded in the raid, which destroyed the MSF hospital building and prompted widespread condemnation from human rights groups.

The US military said the attack was a "mistake" and apologized, but insisted the attack was not a war crime.

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