IRGC, Iran’s Strategic Asset: Armed Forces General Staff

IRGC, Iran’s Strategic Asset: Armed Forces General Staff

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Armed Forces General Staff hailed the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) as the country’s ‘strategic asset’ and a ‘defense shield’ against the hegemonic powers and Zionism.

The IRGC, with its unique capabilities and courageous defense performance, has proved to be a strategic asset not only for Iran, but for the Islamic resistance movement in the region, the Armed Forces General Staff said in a statement on Wednesday on the anniversary of the official establishment of the IRGC.

The statement also attributed the propaganda campaign launched by enemies against the IRGC to its role as a “major barrier to their anti-Iranian and anti-revolutionary policies and strategies.”

It also praised the IRGC for its leading role in supporting the Islamic resistance movement, particularly in the fight against Takfiri terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria.

The IRGC was established after the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran to defend the country against foreign threats and to safeguard the values and accomplishments of the revolution.

According to Article 150 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, “The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, organized in the early days of the triumph of the Revolution (1979), is to be maintained so that it may continue in its role of guarding the Revolution and its achievements. The scope of the duties of this Corps, and its areas of responsibility, in relation to the duties and areas of responsibility of the other Armed Forces, are to be determined by law with emphasis on brotherly cooperation and harmony among them.”

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