US Sanction on Iran Nuclear Chief Aimed at Halting Enrichment: Spokesman

US Sanction on Iran Nuclear Chief Aimed at Halting Enrichment: Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) said the US is seeking to bring uranium enrichment in Iran to a halt by imposing sanctions against AEOI Director Ali Akbar Salehi.

Speaking at a radio program, Behrouz Kamalvandi said Americans seek to stop the enrichment of uranium in Iran by imposing sanctions on Salehi.

“The Trump administration is intending to do so while the previous US administration under Obama had tried this and realized that such an objective could not be achieved, and the Islamic Republic of Iran will not agree to this request, and this has already been proven,” the spokesman underlined.

He also denounced the US sanctions on Salehi as part of a psychological and media game, saying such a peculiar measure will get nowhere.

Washington’s recent measure not only has no value, but also strengthens Iran’s resolve to proceed with its nuclear program more vigorously, Kamalvandi added.

Iran’s nuclear activities are transparent and peaceful, he underscored, adding, “Iran’s nuclear program is not based upon the measures and policies of other countries and we do what benefits the country.”

On Thursday, the US Treasury Department announced sanctions targeting the AEOI and its top official.

The sanctions announcement came against the backdrop of widespread American sanctions already imposed on Tehran after Washington withdrew from the multilateral 2015 nuclear deal in May 2018.

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