Iranian Official: US Sanctions to Remain in Place for 5 More Years

Iranian Official: US Sanctions to Remain in Place for 5 More Years

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary of Iran's Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei slammed the administration’s proposed budget bill for reliance on the sale of 2.3 million bpd of oil in the coming year, predicting that the US sanctions on Iran will continue for the next five years.

In comments about the national budget bill for the next Iranian year, which has been recently submitted to the Parliament, Rezaei said the inclusion of revenues from the sale of 2.3 million bpd of oil indicates that some officials are reluctant to learn lessons from the past developments and stand on their own two feet.

The sanctions on Iran will remain in place for the next five years, even under the tenure of US president-elect Joe Biden, he added.

Rezaei noted that both Republicans and Democrats seek to maintain the US economic sanctions against Iran as pressure tool.

It would be a great risk to formulate Iran’s budget, expending and incomes on the basis of what happens abroad, Rezaei warned.

The fact that the next year’s proposed budget envisages the sale of 2.3 million bpd of oil reveals that the administration is still considering the foreign relations and the other countries’ behaviors.

“It is absolutely clear that the sanctions will remain in place for the next four or five years, either Biden is certified (as US president) or Trump can change the situation through the US Supreme Court,” the Iranian official concluded.

On Wednesday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Tehran will be selling at least 2.3 million barrels per day of crude in the next Iranian year.

The world should get the message that Iran’s conditions for producing and selling oil in the next year will be totally different from the past two years, Rouhani added.

The president further said the national budget bill for year 1400 (to begin in March 2021) is based on calculations rather than the prospect of whether Iran will or will not hold talks or reach an agreement with anyone.

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