Moderation, Constructive Interaction Remedies for Iran’s Woes: Rouhani

Moderation, Constructive Interaction Remedies for Iran’s Woes: Rouhani

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – In his last speech as the 7th president of Iran, President Hassan Rouhani described moderation and constructive interaction as the only suitable approaches for addressing problems.

In an address on his last day in office, Rouhani said on Monday that his prescription for the country’s problems is the same thing that he had thought of eight years ago.

“I reiterate that the way to save the country is moderation at home and abroad as well as constructive interaction at home and abroad,” he said.

The outgoing president stated that everybody should come to the conclusion that the era of extremism is over and that the road to moderation is the right path.

He also highlighted his administration’s success in lifting seven dangerous sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council on Iran, saying his team has always been hopeful about the results of constructive interaction and dialogue.

Rouhani pointed to the extensive economic benefits provided by the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), saying that without the nuclear deal, it would have been much more difficult to achieve success under the sanctions and the economic war.

In a ceremony slated for tomorrow, President-elect Ebrahim Raeisi will officially become the 8th president of the Islamic Republic.

Ayatollah Khamenei is going to deliver a speech in the ceremony after comments from the outgoing interior minister and the new president.

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