Shamkhani Raps US for Strategy of Creating Tensions

Shamkhani Raps US for Strategy of Creating Tensions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani lashed out at the US for maintaining the strategy of creating tensions and fueling crises in the region even after its pullout from Afghanistan after 20 years of occupation.

Shamkhani made the remarks on Tuesday upon his arrival in New Delhi, where he is scheduled to take part in the third edition of the Regional Security Dialogue on Afghanistan.

“Although the US has been expelled from Afghanistan after 20 years of aggression and occupation, it still continues to cause crises in the region as part of its tension-creating strategy,” he deplored.

Shamkhani stressed the importance of improving interactions and cooperation among regional countries to counter threats and factors that cause insecurity across the region.

The senior Iranian security official noted that the participants in the meeting would make joint efforts to discuss the root causes of crises in the region, particularly in Afghanistan, and find solutions that would help establish lasting and broad-based peace and stability in the war-ravaged country, Press TV reported.

“The meeting is a very appropriate opportunity to pursue bilateral political and security dialogue among regional countries,” Shamkhani said.

The top Iranian security official plans to deliver a speech at the meeting and hold talks with his counterparts on bilateral, regional and international issues.

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