Turkmenistan Eager for Closer Ties with Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The foreign minister of Turkmenistan expressed his country’s readiness to broaden relations with Iran.

Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan Rasit Meredow met with Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Reza Najafi in Ashgabat on the sidelines of the conference of “Dialogue is a guarantee of peace” on Sunday.

Reviewing different issues relating to the ties between Tehran and Ashgabat, Meredow voiced Turkmenistan's readiness to strengthen relations with Iran.

The Turkmen foreign minister also offered his condolences on the death of former Iranian minister of roads Rostam Qassemi and recalled his efforts to expand the bilateral cooperation.

For his part, Najafi extended the Iranian foreign minister’s invitation to Meredow to visit Tehran.

Describing efforts to maintain and expand relations with neighboring countries as the main priority of the Iranian administration’s foreign policy, Najafi expressed hope that cooperation between the two friendly countries would continue in the international and regional organizations.

The Iranian diplomat has traveled to Ashgabat to participate in the international Conference of the Group of Friends of Neutrality for Peace, Security and Sustainable Development.