US Has Acknowledged Significant Increase in Iran Oil Production, Exports: Minister

US Has Acknowledged Significant Increase in Iran Oil Production, Exports: Minister

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – American congressmen and Western media have acknowledged the considerable hike in Iran’s oil output and exports in spite of the sanctions imposed by the US government against the Iranian nation over the past two years, the Iranian oil minister said Saturday.

Production and exports of oil products and gas condensates are on the rise thanks to the unflinching and nonstop efforts of the ministry’s staff and engineers, Javad Owji said.

Speaking at the joint ceremony of the oil sector’s Basij voluntary forces to mark the Sacred Defense Week (Iraqi imposed war against Iran in 1980-1988), the oil minister paid tribute to the Iranians who fought and sacrificed their lives like Mohammad Javad Tondgouyan, Iran’s former oil minister, who was martyred during the imposed war.

Although Kharg Island was bombed constantly by the Iraqi Baathist regime under the deposed Saddam Hussein, Iran’s crude oil exports did not stop even for a single day, Owji emphasized.

Comparing the wartime with the present time Iranian oil industrialists have prevented any halt to exports and any energy insecurity despite the toughest sanctions imposed against the country, the minister added, SHANA reported.

The Statistical Center of Iran (SCI) and the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) in their latest reports registered 19.8 percent and 16.4 percent economic growth for the domestic oil and gas industry in the first quarter of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21 to June 22, 2023) respectively, revealing the great efforts made in upstream and downstream sectors, the minister added.

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