IRGC Commander: US War in Syria to Result in Imminent Collapse of Israel

IRGC Commander: US War in Syria to Result in Imminent Collapse of Israel

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari warned the US about severe consequences of any military intervention in Syria, and stressed that the possible war in Syria will result in imminent destruction of the Zionist regime of Israel.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with Tasnim on Wednesday evening, the IRGC commander pointed to the recent US war rhetoric against Syria, and stated that Washington and its allies have resorted to “direct military threat” against Damascus after the Syrian nation defeated their “proxy war scenario”.

He warned the US about severe consequences of a possible military intervention in Syria, and stated, “Despite their bitter experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan, Americans will complete their consecutive failures and experience the most shameful historic defeat if they conduct military action against Syria.”

“And” Jafari underlined “Syria will turn into a more dangerous and deadly battlefield than Vietnam War, and, in fact, Syria will become the second Vietnam for the US.”

The commander further deplored the recent allegations raised against Syria about the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government, and stated that the US has started war rhetoric against Damascus under the pressure of pro-Zionist lobbies.

He said the Zionists should know that military attack on Syria will not save the fake regime but will mean “imminent destruction of Israel.”

The Iranian commander further cautioned certain regional and Arab countries that their support for the military intervention will cost them dearly.

The IRGC commander’s remarks came after Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei underlined that military intervention in Syria will be harmful to the US, and noted that meddling of trans-regional countries in the region will only result in more antipathy towards them.

“If such a move (possible attack on Syria) takes place, the Americans will surely suffer losses just like what they underwent in Iraq and Afghanistan,” Ayatollah Khamenei said on Wednesday, addressing Iranian cabinet members here in Tehran.

The Leader also described the US possible military intervention in Syria as “a disaster for the region,” adding, ”Trans-regional and foreign powers’ intervention in a country will result in nothing but igniting fire, and will also increase the nations’ aversion to them (meddling countries).”

“Such fire is like a spark in a powder keg, whose aftermath and ramification will be unclear,” Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out.

“The region is passing through sensitive and critical days,” the Leader cautioned.

The remarks by Ayatollah Khamenei came while the US and some of its western allies have announced their readiness to hit Syria, on the pretext of suspected chemical attack by the Syrian government.

Earlier, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad dismissed western allegations that he used chemical weapons as politically motivated and warned Washington any US military intervention would fail.

"Failure awaits the United States as in all previous wars it has unleashed, starting with Vietnam and up to the present day," he said on Monday.

Assad also said Syrian government forces had been close to where rebel forces say chemical weapons were used last week. "Would any state use chemical or any other weapons of mass destruction in a place where its own forces are concentrated? That would go against elementary logic," Assad stated.



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