Senior US Official: Iran-Sextet Talks “Slow, Difficult”

Senior US Official: Iran-Sextet Talks “Slow, Difficult”

VIENNA (Tasnim) – A senior US official said the discussions raised in the new round of nuclear talks between Iran and six world powers have been “slow and difficult”, adding that the two sides are still significantly divided on some issues.

"Discussions this week have been slow and difficult,” a senior US official said of the fresh round of nuclear talks between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russian, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) that kicked off in the Austrian capital on Wednesday.

"Significant gaps remain between the two sides' positions," the official said on the condition of anonymity.

"We are concerned that progress is not being made, and that time is short," the official added.

The US official once again echoed Washington’s talk of tough decision for Tehran, and added, "Iran still has to make some hard choices."

Those comments were made amid intense discussions among the negotiating parties, who have gathered in Vienna to draft the final text of a comprehensive, long-awaited deal on Iran’s peaceful nuclear program.

The talks resumed for the third day this morning with separate bilateral meetings between the Iranian team of nuclear negotiators and the European members of the Group 5+1 (also known as the P5+1 or E3+3).

The Iranians have also held a bilateral meeting with the US delegation as well. The meetings are taking place at the level of deputies.

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