Dick Cheney Heckled by US Protester during Anti-Iran Speech

Dick Cheney Heckled by US Protester during Anti-Iran Speech

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Former US Vice President Dick Cheney was heckled by an anti-war activist while delivering a speech against Iran in Washington.

The protester with the anti-war group Code Pink interrupted Cheney during his speech against the Iran nuclear accord at the American Enterprise Institute on Tuesday, Sputnik reported.

The girl, identified as Michaela Anang, was dragged out of the speech after denouncing the former Vice President as a "war criminal."

“Why should we be listening to him?” the protester asked the crowd.

Responding to the protest, Cheney said "Thank you very much," and was applauded by the crowd.

Before Cheney’s speech, Code Pink founder Medea Benjamin said that it is "mind boggling" for Washington policy makers to take advice from Cheney when he "lied to American public about Iraq and justified torture."

Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, US, Britain, France, and Germany) on July 14 reached a conclusion on a lasting nuclear agreement that would terminate all sanctions imposed on Tehran over its nuclear energy program after coming into force.

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