Top Security Official: Iran Facing No Limitation to Extend Range of Missiles

Top Security Official: Iran Facing No Limitation to Extend Range of Missiles

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran does not face any scientific or operational restrictions for extending the range of its military missiles, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani said.

“Iran has no scientific and operational limitations to increase the range of military missiles, and has no intention to boost the range of missiles only because of its defense doctrine, while it continuously tries to enhance the accuracy of missiles,” Shamkhani said at a conference on space technology, held in Tehran on Tuesday.

He also slammed the Western and Israeli media propaganda for linking Iran’s space program to the development of its missile capabilities as an attempt to deceive the public opinion, saying the Zionist regime’s officials have resorted to a new propaganda campaign against Iran to distract attention from the moral and economic corruption that has engulfed the regime’s rulers.

While the Zionist regime claims to be a top intelligence power and has raised a childish hullabaloo against Iran, it has been an absolute disgrace for the Zionists when an Israeli minister was proved to be a spy, when there are hundreds of kilometers of tunnels dug underneath their feet, and when the resistance forces in Gaza and Lebanon have missiles with pinpoint accuracy and are ready to respond to any foolish Israeli behavior with an inferno, Shamkhani added.

He went on to underline that Iran will vigorously press ahead with its space programs.

In October 2017, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said although Iran has the capability to extend the range of its long-range missiles, the current ones with a range of 2,000 kilometers are sufficient to fulfill the country’s purposes.

He said that the 2,000-km range for Iran’s missiles is deemed to be sufficient because “most of American interests and forces” lie within this range.

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