President Raisi: Iran After Closer Ties with Europe

President Raisi: Iran After Closer Ties with Europe

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran is resolved to broaden relations with European states on the basis of mutual respect, President Ebrahim Raisi said.

In a meeting with Belgium’s new ambassador to Tehran on Sunday, Raisi said, “The Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to expand relations with the European countries on the basis of mutual respect and interests unless a country seeks antagonism towards Iran.”

He advised European states to pursue their interest and regulate their relations independently of the US, which he said has been totally disgraced in the world because of the history of its policies, particularly the full support for and complicity in the Israeli crimes in Gaza.

For his part, the new ambassador expressed Belgium’s willingness to broaden ties with Iran.

He also expressed hope he would be able to resolve the challenges and help strengthen ties with Iran in various areas during his tenure.

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