Japanese Foreign Minister Motegi Visits Iran

Japanese Foreign Minister Motegi Visits Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan Motegi Toshimitsu arrived in Iran for a two-day visit that includes meetings with senior Iranian officials.

The top Japanese diplomat arrived in Tehran on Saturday evening on the first leg of a tour of the Middle East.

According to Japan’s Embassy in Iran, Motegi is going to meet with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and outgoing Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

Motegi is also planned to hold talks with Hossein Amir Abdollahian, who has been proposed by the president for the post of foreign minister.

The Japanese foreign minister on August 15 started a tour of the Middle East that takes him to Egypt, Iran, Palestine, Turkey and Qatar, among others, to discuss regional security and the response to the coronavirus pandemic.

His visit to the Middle East will extend through August 24, and is aimed at consolidating Japan's ties with the area which is strategically important to Tokyo as a major oil supplier, Kyodo News reported.

“Through the visit, I want to reiterate our commitment to the Middle East, which has contributed to its peace and prosperity over the years,” Motegi said at a press conference.

“I would like to frankly exchange opinions on the regional situation and work closely with them to promote the stability of the region.”

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