Iran Voices Concern on Terrorism in West Africa

Iran Voices Concern on Terrorism in West Africa

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The foreign minister of Iran expressed concern about the activities of the extremist, terrorist and Takfiri groups in Burkina Faso and other countries in West Africa.

In a telephone conversation on Monday, Hossein Amirabdollahian and his Burkinabe counterpart Olivia Rouamba discussed various bilateral and international issues.

Congratulating Rouamba on her appointment as the new foreign minister of Burkina Faso, Amirabdollahian wished her success in the new position.

Highlighting the importance of Africa in the foreign policy of Iran, he stressed Tehran’s serious resolve for the expansion of relations with the African nations, including Burkina Faso.

The Iranian foreign minister also voiced the country’s readiness to hold the joint commission for cooperation with Burkina Faso.

Amirabdollahian also described the activities of extremist and Takfiri terrorists in Burkina Faso and the West Africa region as concerning.

For her part, Olivia Rouamba expressed hope that the relations between the two states would expand.

The Burkinabe foreign minister also expressed her country’s willingness for wider political and economic ties with Iran, calling for the expansion of scientific-technical cooperation with Iran and reception of various forms of assistance from the country, the Iranian Foreign Ministry reported.

She added that Iran, as a country that has been fighting terrorism for years, can share its experiences with Burkina Faso.

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